Real-Time Dosimetry Solution
In work environments where there is a higher risk of radiation exposure, or for personnel who need to be more aware of potential exposure, such as pregnant women, using a real-time dosemeter may be advisable or required by national legislation. These electronic dosemeters, also known as active personal dosemeters (APDs), track and measure an individual’s radiation dose over time. At Dosilab, we offer a range of dedicated APD systems. These systems automatically store and track the dose measurements during a work shift, allowing for the monitoring of total exposure over time.
The performance requirements for APDs are generally the same for both large and small organizations. However, depending on the specific needs and environment of the user, a flexible network solution has been developed: dosiACTIVE, a network solution centralized on a server. This system ranges from a single, small attribution station (suitable for smaller organisations) to several extendable stations, strategically placed throughout a larger organisation.
The dosiACTIVE system is complete, standalone product system. It consist of easy-to-use dosemeters, which are loaded with the profile of the individual wearer upon attribution (the process of assigning a dosemeter). The active dosemeters allow for precise measurement in medical and industrial settings where workers may be exposed to radiation.
The attribution stations, which are available as wall-mounted or tabletop stations, serve as storage for the dosemeters, allow for the reading of the wearer’s dose and to recharge the dosemeter batteries. The accompanying management software is regularly updated to meet the changing needs of radiation protection officers and wearers. Finally, our hotline is available for any questions or maintenance needs.
APD – Active Personal Dosimeter
The active dosemeter, an electronic dosemeter, measures and displays doses and dose rates in real-time. The monitored person therefore has an overview of their radiation exposure at all times and can optimize their radiation exposure accordingly.
Unlike passive dosemeters, active dosemeters are not assigned to a specific person, but can be worn by any individual recorded in the database. When a dosemeter is taken from the registration station, it is assigned to a person by entering a personal code. The name of the wearer appears on the display. Once the dosemeter is returned, it is released for the next person.
Key features of our active dosemeters:
- Continuous display, no need for button or key operation. The following data is displayed on the display:
o Name and first name of the wearer
o Measurement and display of the dose in terms of Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) and the dose rate.
o Display of the maximum dose rate (the highest measured dose rate in a wearing period)
o Display/alarm when the limit of dose/dose rate is exceeded. The alarm profile can be customized for each person recorded in the database:
Alarm regarding dose
Alarm regarding dose rate - Alarm in the form of sound and light (flashing LED)
- Automatic transmission of measurement data and warning signals to the database
- The measurement ranges span from 1μSv to 100Sv or 20μSv/h to 10Sv/h
- Response to γ from 20 keV to 6 MeV
- User profiles with programmable thresholds for triggering warning signals when exceeding a certain dose or dose rate
- Rechargeable battery
- Robust construction, withstanding accidental falls
dosiACTVE System Architecture
The dosiACTIVE dose monitoring system is designed for easy integration into a customer’s existing network (LAN). All system modules (dosiSERVER, dosiSTATION and dosiCLIENT) communicate via the TCP/IP protocol.
- dosiCLIENT: is used for administration of monitored persons, analysis of dose data and data export. As a rule, dosiCLIENT is installed on the PC of the radiation protection officer(s) of a facility.
- dosiSTATION: an autonomous log-on and log-off station for dosemeters
- dosiSERVER manages the database (of all carriers and their information) and the communication with the stations.
The Attribution Stations
Various login or attribution stations enable the most convenient and flexible solution for users.
Autonomous Stations
The microSTA, miniSTA and miniSTA with extensions may be used as follows:
- – Assignment/registration of a dosemeter to a carrier
- – Sign-out after use and transfer of data to the database
- – Viewing of a carrier’s own dose values
- – Touch screen for operation of the station
- – Slots for 4 or 8 dosemeters
- – Operating system runs on Linux
- – Network connection via RJ-45 or WiFi
The system accesses the local database on the attribution station for each operation and regularly synchronizes it with the server. This ensures that the attribution stations can function even if the network connection is disrupted. When the network connection is restored, the database is automatically resynchronized with the server.
If more dosemeter slots are needed, an extension can be added to the attribution station to provide up to 8 additional dosemeter slots with the same functionality as the main station.
dosiACTIVE Softwares: dosiCLIENT & dosiSERVER
Dosilab uses two software modules for the administration of monitored persons and measurement data, as well as for secure communication with the server:
- dosiCLIENT is used to manage the persons to be monitored, their personal data, and to retrieve and analyse measured dose values
- dosiSERVER controls the system periphery via standard TCP/IP LAN for configuration and control of APD usage
Access to confidential measurement data in dosiCLIENT is protected by a security protocol. Using dosiCLIENT, the radiation protection officer of an enterprise can manage and assess measured values, as well as perform other tasks assigned to them such as:
- Define the structure of an enterprise and its departments
- Create a carrier and assign it to an operational unit
- Set thresholds for alarm signals according to the work profile.
- Analyse dose values using graphical or tabular reports for any measurement period (from minutes to years).
- Review registered alarms during a wear period
- Monitor the use of dosemeters
- Generate annual statistics
- Export all measurement data collected in dosiCLIENT to .xls and .csv format.
Dosilab ensures compatibility between the different generations of active dosemeters and attribution stations, to ensure continuous access to dosimetry data.
The Active Dosemeter with Bluetooth Functionality
Dosilab is the only company offering an active dosemeter with Bluetooth transmission. Using the Bluetooth function, measurement data is transmitted in real time to a remote recipient and can be visualized using the dosiLIVE software installed on a tablet or PC. The dosiLIVE application is user-friendly and allows for the creation of a separate alarm profile without changing the individual active dosemeter’s profile.
Visualisation using colour codes indicates whether a wearer is in an environment with acceptable, moderate or high radiation exposure.
dosiLIVE can also be used for educational purposes in the operating theatre. By providing an easy-to-read visual representation of the radiation source, it allows wearers to optimize their positioning and learn for future procedures.
Range: Additional modules allow for a switch from a shorter to a longer distance with a single click, without requiring manipulation of the dosemeter.
At short range, a wearer can follow their own measurement data on a screen mounted in the operating theatre, as the actual dosemeter is located under protective clothing and cannot be directly accessed.
At a longer distance, a third person can directly follow the measurement data of one or more monitored individuals.
The Bluetooth dosemeter can also be used in standard mode, i.e. without Bluetooth function (via dosemeter button).